Göteborgs universitet Medarbetarportalen – Medarbetarportalen


Högskolan i Skövde: Start

Online registration for our courses at advanced level will 2015-3-20 · E-mail: helpdesk@su.se Stockholm University Library You can search information, borrow literature and use e-resources etc. Access all library services at www.sub.su.se. My University Visit the University´s IT portal at mitt.su.se. Get access to email, view your grades and print you transcript of records from Ladok (register of student records). Please send an email to the Student Affairs Office (studexp@english.su.se), giving your name and personal identity number, and we will de-register you. Some of our courses require an attendance of at least 80% (see the courseplan), which means that you are … 2020-8-20 · SU - Before the semester starts the director of the program will send you a form for the enrollment of the courses provided by the department you will take. These are courses with code prefix MM or MT. Send the form to salvador, s.rodriguez-lopez@math.su.se.

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Only legible exams will be marked. The exam consists of … For this reason, we want you to hand in a Ladok printout of your completed courses together with the specification of our project. In order to be acceptable, the proposal must, of course, specify the goals of the project and who is going to work on it (your name, study programme, and personal number). This means that your name and personal number is not visible to the teacher marking your exam or grading it.

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Juridiska institutionen informerar om förutsättningarna för vårens undervisning och examination med anledning av rådande pandemi. Get free Outlook email and calendar, plus Office Online apps like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Sign in to access your Outlook, Hotmail or Live email account. Log in to retrieve your personal schedule, based on which courses you are registered to.

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After having been re-enrolled you must sign up for the exam through Ladok (see above) no later … Grades should be published in Ladok within 3 weeks/15 business days after the final examination for the course in question. Please include your personal details and which course you are taking in any written contact.

Ladok - start. Inloggning Login Utbildning i Ladok är obligatorisk för dig som ska lägga in uppgifter i Ladok. Gäller dock ej lärare och examinator/attestant.
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Student: Om du söker handlingar kontaktar du den institution det gäller. Personal: Kontakta administrationen på din institution. Vill du få information om planerade underhåll och driftstörningar på IT-tjänster direkt till din inbox?

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Check your email address Stockholms universitets webbplats för medarbetare med stöd-, service- och styrinformation. Arkiverande personal behöver använda VPN för att nå Mondo. För frågor. Student: Om du söker handlingar kontaktar du den institution det gäller. Personal: Kontakta administrationen på din institution. Vill du få information om planerade underhåll och driftstörningar på IT-tjänster direkt till din inbox? och införa dem efter styrgruppens godkännande samt att säkerställa att systemintegrationer till Ladok får en bra övergång.

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Nytt Ladok för studenter.

The interface is suitable for mobile phone/tablet and you reach Ladok Student from the Student Web start page. 2016-09-09 · Under våren 2016 deltog ett antal pilotinstitutioner som började rapportera betyg i nya Ladok. Det fungerade bra och i höst erbjuder vi samtliga institutioner att börja använda sig av resultathantering i nya Ladok.