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an opinion that all members of a group agree with consensus (about/on something) She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues. There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue. an attempt to reach a consensus There now exists a broad political consensus in favor of economic reform. consensus politics (= which people in general agree with) consensus (among somebody) (about/on consensus - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. Other articles where Consensus is discussed: Northeast Indian: Social organization: …because most communities used a consensus model for decision making; issues were discussed until there was broad agreement on a course of action.

Consensus about or on

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Grace Perez-Navarro (Deput Other articles where Consensus is discussed: Northeast Indian: Social organization: …because most communities used a consensus model for decision making; issues were discussed until there was broad agreement on a course of action. Any dissidents would either leave the group or continue to express their opposition until a change was made; in either case, the effectiveness of the community No, Consensus does not do point-to-point connections. Consensus provides a way to normalize data into one UI in a common dashboard. Users will not have to worry about different networks or communication connections to share patients records. Users will just need the Consensus dashboard. What is The Consensus Process.

Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development

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General agreement among the members of a Will the stars remain aligned to enable the members of the BEPS Inclusive Framework to reach consensus on Pillars 1 and 2 by July?

[Latin cōnsēnsus, from past participle Definition and high quality example sentences with “consensus” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English No, Consensus does not do point-to-point connections. Consensus provides a way to normalize data into one UI in a common dashboard.
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This page is about the meaning of consensus, the consensus process, and how we reach a consensus. Committed to a 100% consensus trained team moving onto the property, One Community plans to phase in full consensus decision making over the first 90 days (as outlined here), and to demonstrate as part of our open source sharing model that consensus can be a working consensus - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.

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This version of Sentient will be using the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) to provide provably anonymous … 2021-03-31 2020-06-30 Definition of consensus written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Consensus.

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A consensus on good taste is a futile ambition, for who knows what it would be, and who cares? This is but one more example of the consensus view being way out in left field. The general consensus of opinion has it that love is not a good thing for professional sportsmen. Here was a political consensus that a progressive government could have championed. 2017-05-19 25 rows an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts SYN agreement consensus on/about a lack of consensus about the aims of the project consensus that There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world. Consensus is the singular global conference that brings together entrepreneurs, traders, developers, academics, students and the curious under one roof to explore developments in crypto Consensus decision-making or consensus politics (often abbreviated to consensus) is group decision-making processes in which participants develop and decide on proposals with the aim, or requirement, of acceptance by all. The focus on avoiding negative opinion differentiates consensus from unanimity, which requires all participants to positively support a decision.

It's why, perhaps, regardless  Make a sentence with the word consensus to suggest overall unison or accord in a decision or any other matter. Consensus: Other Grammatical Forms. None. Consensus often falls apart before sales reps even arrive on the scene.