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An accountable, transparent and efficient public administration is what the EU is looking and what Kosovo is striving for. EU Twinning. Project leader: Christine Jacobi Junior project leader: Eric Vincken (CILC) RTA: Klaus Erdmann Responsible at the IRZ: Rita Tenhaft, Katharina Tegeder. The objectives and priorities of this Twinning project are closely linked to the development of the judicial sector in Kosovo. However, in Kosovo, Twining projects started being applied since 2006. Until now, 12 projects have been approved, and for the year 2009 three other projects are envisaged.

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IPA 2013/024216.01/KS/ Support to Public Administration Reform In addition, the Twinning project supported the work on a strategy and a plan of action for the correctional service. The partners from Kosovo showed great interest, and there was a lively exchange between practitioners in Kosovo and Germany from the correctional and probation services in the numerous workshops, training sessions and seminars. Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Tomas Szunyog, launched Monday together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry the EU funded Twinning project, which will assist in implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) related to the EU Services Directive 2006/123/EC. EU Twinning project “Support to Civil Registration and Document Security”.

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Erfarenheter angående arbetet med EU-tillnärmning . Georgien, Kosovo, Nordmakedonien, Palestina, Serbien och Tanzania.

Document Grep for query "^ "Working Abroad" ." and grep

Partnersamverkan (Twinning) är fortfarande det främsta instrumentet transitländer; Afghanistan, Albanien med närliggande områden (Kosovo),. byggprodukter genom harmonisering av EU:s lagstiftning på området. municipal spatial planning pRogRamme ii i kosovo för Twinning och Taiex.

Kosovo. EU Twinning project No KS/11/IB/OT01 Further support to Public administration reform, 2013-2014 Croatia. EU Twinning project No HR/08/IB/SPP02 Enhancement of Capacity for Effective Management of EU Cohesion Policy Funds, 2011-2014, budget 2.000.000 EUR Lithuania Projektet, som pågår under perioden 2015–2022, fokuserar på att öka det praktiska samarbetet mellan EU-medlemsstater och länder utanför EU på återvändandeområdet genom ett nätverk av återvändandesambandsmän som utstationeras i strategiskt viktiga länder för att förbättra dialogen och stödja det praktiska återvändande- och återintegreringsarbetet för personer med beslut ANNEX C1: Twinning Fiche Project title: Further strengthening of Kosovo National Audit Office impact Beneficiary administration: Kosovo National Audit Office (KNAO) Twinning Reference: KS 17 IPA FI 01 19 Publication notice reference: EuropeAid/163152/DD/ACT/XK EU funded project TWINNING INSTRUMENT Agreement with EU office in Kosovo for potential support with Twinning project in 2019 “The way forward for the Eurocodes implementation in the Balkans”, 10-11 October 2018, Tirana Kosovo is open towards EU standards and norms Kosovo is open for regional collaboration An EU funded project EU Twinning Projekt “Strengthening Criminal managed by the Investigation capacities against Organised European Union Office in Kosovo Crime and Corruption” List of participants/invitees (in addition to the key speakers): o General Director of Kosovo … Twinning Projects pipeline (to be launched till end of June 2015) updated Beneficiar y Name Project and Reference Number (if already given) Period for launch Sector Croatia Transition Facility: Enhancing the Quality of Judicial Training - by Upgrading EU Law and On Line Trainings, Twinning … Twinning projects are implemented with a view to the mandatory results to be achieved. They are usually articulated in components corresponding to the expected results, and foresee a number of activities including workshops, training sessions, expert missions, study visits, internships and counselling. Twinning je jedan od glavnih alata Europske unije za administrativnu suradnju između tijela javne uprave države korisnice i tijela javne uprave države članice EU. Osnovna svrha Twinning projekata je pružanje pomoći i prenošenje znanja u primjeni i provedbi pravne stečevine EU, pri čemu su dionici ponajprije tijela državne i javne ANNEX C11 STANDARD TWINNING PROJECT FICHE 1. Basic Information 1.1 Publication notice reference: EuropeAid/ 136-593/DAH/ACT/XK 1.2 Programme: Annual Action Programme for Kosovo*1 2014 (objective 1 - 2014/032-353) 1.3 Twinning Number: KS 14 IB JH 04 Twinning is one of the main tools of the European Union (EU) for administrative cooperation between public administration of the Beneficiary Country and public administration of the EU Member State. The key purpose of the Twinning projects is to provide assistance and knowledge transfer related to implementation and enforcement of the Union acquis.
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Background To improve the state of the environment in Kosovo, a number of efforts have already been taken by Head of Political, Economic and European Integration, Riccardo Serri, on this occasion said: “I am happy that we are launching this twinning project that provides support to the National Audit Office in Kosovo. An accountable, transparent and efficient public administration is what the EU is looking and what Kosovo is striving for. EU Twinning.

NI-CO celebrates successful completion of the IBMDT EU Twinning Project in Kosovo On Thursday, 11th June, high profile delegates from across Pristina came together at Kosovo Police Headquarters to celebrate the conclusion of NI-CO’s highly successful EU Twinning Project ‘Integrated Border Management and Fight against Drug Trafficking’ (IBMDT). The EU Office in Kosovo and the Government of Kosovo held today the closing conference to mark the end of the EU twinning project ”Strengthen Kosovo Institutions in Effective Management of Migration”.Mr.
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It aims to help candidate countries in developing modern and efficient administrations with the structures, human resources and management skills needed to implement the ‘acquis communataire’ to the same standards as existing member The budget of Twinning projects can rise up to EUR 4 million, and that of Twinning light projects, up to EUR 250,000. TAIEX — expert assistance from one public administration to another TAIEX is a programme for short-term technical assistance funded by the EU and coordinated by the European Commission. EU Twinning Projects in Serbia: An alysis of Policy Areas and the Influence of Member States Research Article Fotios Fitsilis Scientific Service, Hellenic Parliament, Greece Aleksandra Jovanovi þ EU Integration Department, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Twinning project or of a TAIEX activity. PAO Programme Administration Office in ENI countries Member State PL Member State Project Leader (PL): A high ranking Member State official or assimilated agent who directs the implementation of the Twinning project and formally signs all work plan(s) and/or any updates of these. EU Twinning project GE15ENIOT0118 Capacity Building of the Civil Service Bureau Kosovo.

Project leader: Christine Jacobi Junior project leader: Eric Vincken (CILC) RTA: Klaus Erdmann Responsible at the IRZ: Rita Tenhaft, Katharina Tegeder. The objectives and priorities of this Twinning project are closely linked to the development of the judicial sector in Kosovo. Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Tomas Szunyog, launched Monday together with the Ministry of Trade and Industry the EU funded Twinning project, which will assist in implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) related to the EU Services Directive 2006/123/EC. New vacancy in the EU-funded Twinning project number KS 16 IPA FI 01 20: Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) Assistant . The European Union Twinning project “ Assistance for implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement – The EU Services Directive 2006/123/EC” is seeking to recruit Resident Twinning Advisor (RTA) Assistant for the period from 9 November 2020 to 31 October 2022. On 1 February 2016, upon arrival of the Resident Twinning Adviser, Mr. Klaus Erdmann, the implementation period of the EU Twinning project in Kosovo “Further support to legal education reform – KS14IBJH02” started.